DocRebuild to be auctioned on EBA |
65-66 PB Master Cylinder NOS 5467084 |
Original GM part. Never mounted. Color is Black, however I had to lighten
up some views to show the interior and features. The ID marks in this view
are hard to read but appear to be "F OD2 R O o". The O's appear
to be the screw heads that hold the ID marking devices in the casting mold. |
In picture #2 the two semi circle trademarks of Delco are followed by the
DELCO MORAINE name; then 5467084 and 1 DIA. |
Picture #3 below shows the internal bore. Regretfully it does not fully
show the nature of this bore, which is shiny and reflective as would be
expected of an unused master cylinder. There is no internal piston assemblty
or seals included. Decades ago I sent the pistons to a screw machine manufacturer
and they were never returned. However these pistons have been reproduced
by another vendor and retail for something like $30, however do not hold
me to that price quote. |
Picture #4 below shows the two reservoirs which have never been filled with
brake fluid. |
Photo #5 show the lousy clumped paint that was applied by Delco. The ID
of the threaded brake line bores is 3/8 inch which I believe is for the
later second design 1/4 brake lines lines. |
Photo #6 shows the two mouting bolt holes which have never been scarred
as occurs when as spilt lock washer is mounted. |
This part has the patina of a 40 year old shelf worn item that should have
the exterior surface cleaned with a Brass brush and repainted Black for
cosmetic appearance. The two plastic caps are also shelf worn, and are available
in re-issue today as pristine parts. |