July 2-4, 2005 Lime Rock Park, CT Races ! I'm no expert but the Corvette Works Pratt & Miller Race Team have a very impressive entourage and equipment. There were two semi 18 wheelers with a third smaller, yet large car trailer. They need at least 3 drivers just for these rigs. The two Kenworth motivated race car haulers pulled trailers with antenna's that appeared to be a complete meteorological stations, not just for race communications. The two Kenworths were set up with their canopies extended in-between. This provided about a 60 by 60 foot covered garage space. Note the smiling face pillows on the dash.
The night before the race, all the equipment track side was covered.
We wandered into the pits before the race by accident. The elevated seats with tool boxes, data and radio equipment is waiting for the crew.
A couple of hours before the race, the team was still working upon these beauties in the paddock under the canopies.
Every tool know to man was on hand except for farming.
Notice the hood has no need for hinges or supports. The line is the background was for the Corvette C6R drivers autographs. Their line was the longest.
Team members were examining what looked like a small body panel.
Just prior to the #4 C6R leaving the paddock for the pre race ceremonies on the track.
The roll out from under the canopy. After this they were started and rolled right past me and I shop this Video: C6R Leaves the Paddock
Pre race on the track with a hour or so to talk with and meets the teams. I don't ever recall the general public being so able to mix and mingle with the Corvette gritterati.
To ensure my good fortune I simply displayed my NCRS ID card to every track steward and official and I got access to all these attractions.
If you didn't like the 4th of July races at LimeRock, you just ain't a Corvette guy. Back to Current Events HOME